
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 171

well. Pictures are not always so clear. It’s beautiful to see such things.

So Psorinum is a remedy which is quite anxious and goes

into despair quite easily.  The  anxiety and the          Fear of poverty

despair concern very much material things. Mostly

they fear they do not have enough money and they have a fear of


Poverty is something that they cannot tolerate, like in Bryonia and Calcarea fluorica. So it is a cold remedy with severe aggravation from the cold, easily going into despair, easily going into anxiety about the future or what will happen to his business.

The business can be doing quite well and bringing in money, but still Psorinum will have the idea that the business is not doing well. They worry very much about their business.

Psorinum, together with Silica, need to cover the head. They are both very sensitive to cold and extremely sensitive to it at the head. They will both like to cover their heads while sleeping.

I remember a case of Silica . He said that the least draft (both remedies are also aggravated by draft), which nobody else feels, will immediately bring about a headache if he slept without a hat.

There is an interesting keynote: whenever they are going to have an attack of something, like an influenza, a cold, an epileptic fit or headaches, they feel extremely well before. The body works perfectly and suddenly the headache comes.

They do not have an amelioration of their symptoms before an attack of something, but they feel very well. Physically and emotionally they feel good, the mind feels clear, and they may say they have no problem with little things.