
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 169

Walking up and down like this, moaning. You might say this is similar to Helleborus. But it is not.

Helleborus is much more urgent, much more imminent in its disintegration. And therefore the expression, this: “Help me, help me!” is much stronger.

Psorinum will not say: “Help me.” They can’t lie down; they have to pace up and down the whole time, the whole night. This can happen also to adults. Like to a man who goes from his active life to retirement. Once he is in retirement, he doesn’t feel the security anymore, because the incoming money is reduced, and that can lead to a state of anxiety.

Similar things are happening to Arsenicum. But as I told you, Arsenicums feel the support from their children. “I have my children. They will support me. They will take me to the doctor,” or “I have my children. They will give me money if I should need it.”

This is the subconscious state of Arsenicum. They have an insecurity towards material things as well. The moment the children leave the house, for marriage e.g., the anxiety develops, to an extent which is really bothering, really making them suffer.

This remedy will look like Arsenicum. Why? Because both are very sensitive to cold weather. Cold weather is really their greatest enemy. And Psorinum is especially bothered in the head.

They will wear hats. Always. Even in bed. (audience laughs) Do you know the play by Moliere called “The Hypochondriac”? Moliere probably had a friend who was Psorinum, and was observing his behaviour.