He will try to get an appointment within the next hour. The dermatologist will say that it is nothing. Two weeks later he will come back with something else that is worrying him. These cases are different. In this way you eventually learn to understand the constitutions of different people, their different reactions, and you will learn to differentiate the remedies.
By the time he is in a panic attack, Phosphorus of course will be trembling, (imitates the state) If the Phosphorus patient is living close by, the best thing you can do is to
Trembles during
say: “Come and see me immediately.” If you panic-state
haven’t given Phosphorus to the patient up to now, what will you have prescribed? Maybe Sulphur. Then tell the patient to give back the Sulphur and take Phosphorus instead. Sulphur and Phosphorus can have a similar appearance, similar states.
Phosphorus also has something very strange. I’ll give you
an idea. Each remedy has a sensitivity towards Causation”
the causative factor for an attack. With Phosphorus health issues
it’s almost always health matters. “My own health and the health of my people.”
For Natrium muriaticum and Ignatia most of the times the causative factor is emotional grief, especially grief coming from a rupture of a love affair. Do you see the difference?
Phosphorus is open, is being loved… Just imagine we have two people. One is Phosphorus, the other is Natrium muriaticum. A Natrium muriaticum will love Phosphorus, because it is so open. “How can you be so open? It’s impossible for me…”