
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 160

The constitution of the Phosphorus patient is the constitu­tion which will react most to what we call the placebo effect. The placebo is your consolation. Your words will make the patient feel good. If you don’t give him Phosphorus, his panic attacks will come back after two or three days, because that is the pathology. But if you console him, calm him down, tell him some good words, he will believe you! This is the idea.

If Phosphorus  finds himself in a panic attack and he is

alone, that is the worst. He is alone, does not know anybody, he is

Must talk with           lost. He has to communicate immediately; he has

someone during    to find somebody whom he knows, a friend, a

panic state

relative, the doctor – somebody to communicate

with during his panic attacks. And Phosphorus will tell you what he has, what he is suffering from.

You see, Arsenicum, Kalium arsenicosum, Kalium carbonicum, Natrium muriaticum …, all those people will try to hide what is happening.

Phosphorus and Argentum nitricum will communi­cate.

But Argentum nitricum goes too far. In Argentum nitricum it almost becomes a ridiculous exposure of himself.

Phosphorus will not do that. Phosphorus wants some­body to talk to about his ailments. He can stay there and talk with a friend gbout the

Speaks about       

his anxieties      details of his ailments and how he feels and how he is

afraid, and how he is doing this and that, etc. As long as there is a friend with whom he can communicate, he feels peace.