
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 16

She has been given several remedies, Natrium muriaticum,
                               Pulsatilla etc. Because this is a closed woman, as we

Closed. Face, can see… – maybe you cannot see, because it is

emotions dry          an old video, and you cannot see all details, of

up course. Her face was dried up. The emotions were

dried up. No emotions.

In its mental-emotional state, Anthracinum produces an

analogous picture. We see a person who has a deeply imbedded

emotional abscess. It is an abscess that has often been formed out

of a very painful emotional experience.

This remedy retains so much deeply hidden grief that one might

consider  it  to   be  the   major  remedy  for  silent
Hidden grief

deep inside suffering,   its   darkest   emotional   wound   buried

deeply within its psyche. It is as though all the

emotional and mental suffering of the Anthracinum -patient has

been enclosed in one big boil. The patient is unable to feel, to

express or to share deep emotions.

She said: “I had the inclination to weep.”

But Pulsatilla does not have the inclination to weep. It weeps! In order to give Pulsatilla, you need an amelioration from open air and weeping without almost any cause or with the least cause.

But if someone says: “I need to cry and I cannot cry”, this has to make you think twice before giving Pulsatilla. In such a case, where the person wants to cry but does not cry, closed remedies like Natrium muriaticum, Ignatia, Phosphor acidum, maybe Staphisagria should be thought of. But not Pulsatilla ! But still, it took away the headache.