
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 157

G.V.: In order to understand the panic attacks of this remedy we have to understand the constitution of the person we are dealing with. One of the main characteristics of Phosphorus is that it is what we call an open person. This is one of its main characteristics. Phosphorus brings the individual into an open state, where he becomes defenseless towards outside impressions. He doesn’t not have the power to push out the impressions from the environment.

These are people who therefore immediately perceive your joy and your pain. They are persons who are also very sympathetic, who feel for others very much. For their own children even more, very much! How much do they feel for their wives, for their father, for their mother, for all the relatives who are around?

Very much! They feel their pain, their distress. And therefore, whatever happens in their environment, affects them tremen­dously.

Diffusion is the theme running through the Phosphorus pathology. Diffusion is the process of spreading out into the environment, like smoke spreading out into the air, or the colour from a tea bag diffusing uniformly into water.

The same happens to the energy, the awareness, the emotions, and even the blood of the Phosphorus patient. It is as if there are no barriers for this – neither for the physical, nor for the emotional or mental plane. Because of this, the Phosphorus patient is vulnerable to all types of influences.

On the physical level, we see that almost any injury or any kind of stress result in haemorrhage. This occurs because the sheaths of the blood vessels are weak and easily allow the blood to diffuse into surrounding tissues.