
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 152

You didn’t know that? You seem to be quite backwards… (audience laughs)

I was stunned! I asked them: “What did you do? Did you take a piece of the Wall and potentise it?” – “Oh, no, no!” – “Well, what did you do?” – “We took some sugar and sat in a circle around the sugar, in front of the Berlin Wall, and we meditated, to see what symptoms belong to that particular sugar standing in front of the Berlin Wall.” (giggling in audience)

I said: “And what are you going to do with that?”

They said: “We’ll give it to people who are divorced.“(audience laughs) Yeah, to bring them back together…

Can you believe it?! Mean, things like that make me not only angry, but very anxious! I go into a state of panic! (audience laughs)

And the most important thing is: I don’t know the remedy! What remedy should I take to calm down from that? (audience roars with laughter)

You see the problem that we have? Learn the basics! Once you have learned the basics, once you are an expert, once you have learned everything, then it is legitimate to go ahead and to investi­gate further.

But the investigation should be in a way that is in compliance with our laws. Very soon I will explain to you how to do it.

If you want to do a new proving, read the Organon. Hahnemann says all substances can produce symptoms, as long as one takes them in enough quantity. Do you want to prove cucumber? (audience giggles)