
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 147

Kalium arsenicosum for instance does not have the restlessness of Arsenicum.

So if a patient reports panic attacks around one o’ clock or two o’ clock at night, you ask: “Do you get up?” – “No, I don’t get up. I just stay in bed, but I continue to be in a state of fright, of anxiety.”

Another differentiating point in Kalium arsenicosum is that it will not need the frequent sips of liquid.

G.V.: Let’s talk about another differentiating point. Somebody tells you about his panic attacks. He is thirsty. He requires cold water. What is the remedy? Panic attacks with a lot of thirst for cold water?

Participants: Phosphorus!

G.V.: Yes, Phosphorus. Now: a panic attack with thirst for warm water: Arsenicum. But sometimes Arsenicum has a desire for cold water.

There is internal burning in both, Phosphorus and Arse­nicum. And cold water ameliorates this burning. So, a student of homepathy should try to get the global picture, a global picture that belongs to the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body. We must gather as much information as possible.

Because we don’t have information on all these levels in all of our remedies. The remedies I am talking about here are the most common remedies that you will use. But I will tell you a secret: If you really learn these remedies, these common remedies, then you are going to cover 95% of your cases. The tragedy in our field is that people or students want to go and learn the peculiar remedies without having learned the basics.