G.V.: It is important for me that you understand that the remedies I have given you here are not the only ones having panic attacks and anxiety states. Many other remedies of course also have panic attacks. Besides, I want you to be aware that apart from the differentiating points I have mentioned, there are some other points of differentiation between one remedy and another.
These points of differentiation may belong to other areas like desires, aversions, thirst, pathology, etc.
I’ll give you an example: panic attacks which usually come in the night. What is the remedy you would be thinking of?
Participant: Stramonium.
G.V.: Okay. Then if you get additional information from the patient, that the attacks come especially around one a.m., two a.m., also with an aggravation of other symptoms around this time, which is the remedy? Aggravation from midnight to one o’clock?
Participants: Arsenicum!
G.V.: Yes. And if the aggravation comes a bit later, panic attacks around 2 a.m., 3 a.m.?
Participant: Kalium arsenicosum.
G.V.: Yes, Kalium arsenicosum or Kalium carbonicum. Kalium carbonicum can also have states of panic, especially during the times of aggravation of the remedy. But many times these times are not kept exact. So a panic attack that comes at one a.m. may be one of Kalium arsenicosum. So you also need other useful differentiations.