the desires for both fat and salt, even it they have not been already
suppressed as being “bad for health”. The Physical symptoms
physical symptoms disappear in proportion disappear in
to the increase in fears and anxieties. proportion to the
increasing anxieties
The interesting thing is that Nitricum
acidum will not show you he is worried. He says: “Never mind if I
die”, but internally he is quite worried that eventually his health is
going to break down.
This internal feeling, together with the physical weakness, gives
him a sense of defeat in regard to his health.
Doubtful of recovery
He eventually reaches the conclusion that
nothing can be done for him. Thus, there is a kind of despair of recovery in Nitricum acidum, though not as prominent or as clear as we see in Calcarea or Arsenicum.
The anxiety is internal, but it is constant and it is strong. But they will not come and say: “I have an anxiety concerning my health!” No, because it’s not an anxiety. It is a conviction that he has cancer! It’s not an anxiety. They will not tell you: “I have anxiety.”
It is difficult to find a single word that encompasses the Nitricum acidum patient, but if I were to choose one, it would be “pests”. This is the effect the Nitricum acidum patient has on others due to his constant internal dissatisfaction.
These patients are always dissatisfied and miserable. They are never pleased, even under the most joyful circumstances. In this way they reach a state where they are considered unfit for company by others; they are not at all enjoyable to be with and this is why others often call them “pests”.