
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 14

Homeopath: “It smelled like very strong cheese. Offensive. But from what I have seen from other sebaceous cysts, it was exactly the same smell. It continued to ooze. So the next day I squeezed it again, until it became about 30% of its ordinary size. This now is roughly the size that it ordinarily is.”

G.V.: “Bulging out like that? All the time, all the years?”

Patient: “Yes, like that.”

G.V.: “The redness was always there?”

Homeopath: “No, never discoloration, never pain.”

G.V.: “So now there is an inflammation?”

Homeopath: “Yes. It was painful the second day after I expressed it, so we decided to leave it alone. But it was markedly smaller. I could feel all the patterns of the cyst. Then we didn’t touch it, and slowly over the next three days she wasn’t feeling as well. Not in regard to the cyst…”

Patient: “It was still oozing, though, all this time it would ooze by itself.”

Homeopath: “Finally, a reddish coloured discharge came out. Then, by Wednesday morning, she was having a headache, she couldn’t make any decisions, she was dying for open air and had a feeling that she wanted to go outside, without her clothes on, into the cold.”