The nervous system, the central nervous system, what we call the emotions, is so sensitive, that it can be easily eliminated, easily killed, easily hurt.
So when you have somebody who is easily hurt, be it your children, colleagues, patients, people under your guidance, you simply don’t say: “Stop, don’t cry, you are grown up. Do this, do that,” etc.
The best thing is homeopathic treatment. If somebody comes and says: “I had a fight with my boyfriend and I don’t want to see him again. I swear that I will never have another affair again!” and so on, the best thing you as a friend or a homeopathic doctor can say is: “Oh, my God, I once had the same thing! And I cried and I cried, and I had this and that…”
Then Natrium muriaticum eventually realizes that she is not alone.
You see, Natrium muriaticum feels this isolation. It has this idea “nobody should know.” This “nobody should know” means isolation, right?
If you give them the idea that others are also feeling in this way, Natrium muriaticums may break out in hysterical crying (in the beginning); but eventually they learn how to cry.
When you give Natrium muriaticum to a constitutional case, where the person has been going through grief again and again, and his emotions are numbed, and you really hit the target, then what is the first reaction?
The patients will report things like: “I cried for two entire days.”