All of this they hide inside, everything which is happening in this area, because their fear of rejection starts developing while at the same time the anxiety starts increasing.
And what happens? Within one day, all this control, which was
there for one year, two years, is lost, and a Loss of control with
hysterical reaction kind of hysterical reaction begins. What will
this hysterical reaction be like?
You see, the problem with Natrium muriaticum is that they cannot express themselves. If you cannot express what you feel inside, you begin observing yourself, whatever you do, whatever you say.
Natrium muriaticum people are observing themselves and think: “Look how ridiculous I am.” They start a fight, they start a quarrel. At the same time they are observing themselves and saying: “Look how ridiculous I’ve become.”
The more they criticize the more they become ridiculous. And the more they become ridiculous the more they criticize, until they almost go crazy with a reaction which is an overreaction. The other person wonders: “Oh, what is happening?”
They don’t know, because Natrium muriaticum has kept all this inside for so long. And then suddenly there is crying, there is difficulty in expressing. They have not learned to express their emotions. So how can they express under such a stress? They can express nothing. They just speak some single words which have no connection to each other. And the whole scene becomes one of terrible ridicule, in their opinion they have made complete fools of themselves.