
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 132

Eventually you come to the idea that there is something what we call a “hypochondriacal anxiety”. A hypochondriacal anxiety

which overwhelms such cases. And they will bother


anxiety               you again and again:   What about this pain in my

side here?

What about this dizziness I feel?” But they do it in a dignified way. I told you about Kalium arsenicosum: they cannot control the fear. When they reach that state, even though they don’t want to show it, their body “betrays” them, it shows the anxiety.

With Natrium muriaticum, the most that can happen to them is a hysterical laugh. It’s a hysterical reaction, but not to the extent that they will be in a state like we have described for Kalium arsenicosum.

I’ll give you another example. Natrium muriaticum people are very sensitive concerning interpersonal relations. The opinion of the other person is incredibly important. But it is of equal importance to them to be well behaved. They don’t want to lose their integrity, their good manners, a certain order. These are the areas on which they are sensitive, which is why they will not show their emotions.

The issue of emotional pain, in themselves or in others, would be the end of the world for them, they are completely incapable of knowingly inflicting pain on others. For this reason, they become very serious. They cannot make jokes that might inadvertently ridicule someone else. They may appear cold and overly objective to others because they are so intent on not revealing their own emotional vulnerability or creating injury to others.