When do they arise? Usually when they develop anxiety about
their health. It’s not so much the idea of death. It is
Anxiety about a fear of becoming incapable in life, becoming health for fear
sick, seriously ill. of becoming
“I will have a brain stroke and I will be stuck in dependent on
a wheelchair, half paralyzed, somebody has to
look at me in the state that I am in, and someone has to take care of me.”
This is something they are terrified of. Because of this they eventually develop an anxiety which is beyond any logic. For very little reasons they will call you on the telephone: “I have this.”
And they always want an explanation. “Why is my eyelid twitching?” or “I think I have a pimple. Why do I have this pimple?”
The homeopath tries to calm the person and laughs: “Oh, everybody has a pimple every now and then.” But the next day these patients call with something else which causes fear.
This hypochondriasis is often related to the fastidiousness seen in Natrium muriaticum. The patient is driven by a compulsive need to avoid contamination always cleaning, washing hands, disinfecting everything.
In Natriummuriaticum fastidiousness is specifically a fear of microbial contamination, and not so much the feeling of disgust seen in other remedies (Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Mezereum).
Natrium muriaticum cases often don’t mention this anxiety about health themselves. But friends or family members report that the patients pay a lot of attention to details about health.