Now he is deflated (audience giggles), and this deflation takes away everything. And then the anxiety comes, of course, and they run to the doctor in a panic state. “What is happening to me?!?”
Many times male Lycopodiurns go to a doctor just because they feel impotent since their marriage. And it can take three to five months before they realize that they are not interested in having sex with their wives. For them it is the punishment for having been sexually too liberal.
Sexual liberation, yes? We have these ideas about sexual liberation, that sexual liberation is the best. But it has side effects as well. The side effect of sexual liberation is impotence. That’s why this company is producing Viagra and is having such good sales! (audience laughs)
Look at the Taliban in comparison: when they are 80 they are still very active, (lots of murmuring in the audience)
Go to India: sexual liberation is not allowed there. The society is structured in such a way that it is not easy for a man to go to several women, one after the other.
Because both, man and woman, are finished if they do that. So they restrain themselves. By restraining themselves, first of all, they keep their marriages. Secondly, they are active until the end of their lives! Because they are not over-indulging! It’s like with lobster. You like lobster. But I can tell you: after eating lobster every day for one month, you’ll feel like vomiting if you see another lobster, (audience smiles) That’s how it is!