Even in the waiting room at your office, Lycopodium will try take up contact with your secretary. You have a good secretary. A Lycopodium patient may try to take your secretary out for dinner! That night, you know? They need this kind of confirmation that they are somebody, that they really are something. And the moment that they have their way, they go away. Behaviour of this kind we see in Lycopodium.
Externally, the Lycopodium patient may present to the world an image of capability, extroverted friendliness and courage, which can make the true image of the remedy difficult to perceive without skilful probing on the part of the homeopath. Lycopodium patients may go overboard in presenting a bluff to compensate for their inner feeling of inferiority.
They may exaggerate their attainments, their capacities, the people they know. They may go so far as to tell outrageous lies which cannot be supported when the moment comes to produce results. This bloating of their ego is a compensation for the presumed state of weakness inside, and it is based upon a powerful need to receive admiration and respect from others in order to “prove” themselves.
We also say Lycopodium becomes impotent. Why does Lycopodium become impotent? Because of this kind of behaviour, going from one woman to another, from one to the other. Eventually he finds himself getting married, and then he finds himself unable to have an erection, to have normal intercourse. Why? Because of all this inflation, all of this pompous appearance etc.