
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 12

Three, four, five, six remedies – always: “I felt better.” But the underlying problems actually remain the same! There was no deep effect. The remedies didn’t not go deep enough to touch the most inner, chronic problems of the case.

This is one of the cases where you can observe this. The case is presented by a good homeopath, her husband, and you will hear him tell about the remedies he gave her and how she got better from them. But what he was talking about was actually on a superficial level. There was indeed some effect to be seen from the remedies, but they didn’t go deep enough to bring about real changes.

So this is a teaching case, and as we go along I will draw your attention to certain points in the case, to show you and to enable you to get an idea of the chronic effects of Anthrax1. You see, at this moment violence in America is being spread through Anthrax, right? And of course the government says: “Don’t be afraid. We have antibiotics, and we are going to face this situation.” But we know that the after-effects of Anthrax plus the antibiotics are going to be seen for years afterwards.

These people, who will be affected in the form of a chronic condition, should need our help to bring back their lost health. So homeopathy is needed at this moment; very, very much. I don’t know – because I don’t have the experience of course – what effect homeopathy could have on a primary Anthrax-infection of the lungs. And I’m fairly doubtful about it, before I have seen the effect. But I know about the after-effects of Anthrax.

___________________________________________________________________1  For elucidations about Anthrax see page 44