soul of the remedy? The soul of the remedy doesn’t mean the whole thing, the mental/emotional symptoms. It means some key notes.
The key notes in a human being, which is a living organism, are alive and therefore not static.
This chair for example: it will always be like this, with this brown colour, these metal legs etc. Human beings are not like that. Human beings are flexible, are alive, are organisms, and you cannot cut them into separate pieces and freeze them. Like in this case I told you about. In all cases I tried to show you the idea.
The idea with Arsenicum is: “Come with me, come with me!”. “Why do you want me to come with you?” – “Oh, no special reason…I like company. Come with me.”
They are afraid to be alone, to be without company. The other remedy, He lie borus, is like: “Help me, help me! HELP me!”
(Vithoulkas shouts it out)
It comes from way deep down inside, is the deepest distress, desperately asking for help, (audience seems frozen due to George’s shouting)
I am afraid some people may have some reactions after my shouting… I think I should control myself better.