Gelsemium is totally different. I will describe it to you later. Then you will see that there is no connection. How did I come to the conclusion?
Because I put together what I have said. She was not able to tell anything. She could not; her jaws were contracted, locked. I put together the facts: that she was not in a position to talk, she would not talk. Even her colleagues in the course did not know much about her inner condition, how much she was afraid, how much in panic.
For the sake of the people standing around her I had said: “You
are afraid of dying”, and had she made a sign. I had asked: “Are
you afraid of dying from a heart condition?”
Fear of heart diseases
She said yes by nodding. She does not want to express, she suffers fear of dying from heart problems, has fear of heart disease, of dying, but is not expressing it – this is Kalium arsenicosum.
It was very interesting how this case continued. We continued the lesson in class and I asked the class: “What is going to happen?” I predicted what was going to happen in such a case. Such a case has such an intensity, that it is not possible to eliminate all of the condition with the first remedy.
Therefore I predicted: “She will go back into that state. She will go back and come out by herself. She will not go back to the full extent of a relapse.” That was in the afternoon.
After some hours, I believe in the evening of the same day, after we had finished the lessons for the day, they called me again: “She is going back into a relapse!”