
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 113

The fear of being ridiculed, or fear of expressing their own feelings is similar to Natrium muriaticum.

You see, the remedies are connected in certain respects, one with the other. Yet each one of them has its own individual characteristics. So Kalium arsenicosum does not have the restlessness of Arsenicum album, does not have the thirst for small quantities that we will see in such a state of panic in an Arsenicum case.

Arsenicums seek water, they have to drink. The Arseni-cums walk up and down, they will sip some water, and they cannot stay in one place.

But Kalium arsenicosum   has a hysterical tantrum, a

hysterical   kind   of anxiety.   Hysterical   heart

Hysterical anxiety

attacks.  The  words  cannot  give the  exact            and heart attacks

meaning. This girl had a problem in her heart.

But the   reaction  was  overwhelming   and   had  the  element  of

hysteria. There was no way that you could hold her legs and

extremities in general. She was bouncing up and down with the


That was an extreme state. Have I seen a similar case of Kalium arsenicosum? No. Because they come to the consulting room, and they describe their attacks and their fears. You will not see the actual panic in front of you. Neither will all the Kalium arsenicosum be as severe in their panic attacks as the one that I described to you. But how did I come to the conclusion that this was not a case of Gelsemium?