
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 111

So: is this a case of Helleborus? No.

Is this a case of Arsenicum? No.

Is this a case of Aconite ? Also no.

Is this a case of Calcarea carbonica? No.

Is this a Case of Gelsemium? Again no.

So what is it?

At that time I whispered something to my assistant, so that the others wouldn’t hear it. You know, they had to think, right? And when I went back to the class later, everybody asked: “What happened, what happened?”

So I asked my assistant: “Bring me a dose of Kalium arse­nicosum C 200″. I gave Kalium arsenicosum C 200, and: she became worse. (Imitates the aggravation of the patient)

Now she really was shaking, and the pulse was 150, and everything was vibrating. I said: “That is a good reaction!”

(audience laughs)

Everyone, everyone who was around said: “George, what is it you are doing?” right? The moment I saw the aggravation, and it was especially in the shaking, I said: “Good, the remedy is correct.”

It took maybe 10, maybe 15 minutes before she was almost 80% better. Then I left her.

The whole thing had taken place downstairs. Those of you who know the academy know that downstairs we have the library with a couch, on which she was lying. I went upstairs to continue with the class. After a quarter of an hour I saw her entering the classroom to continue with the lessons. Nobody could believe it. Within half an hour she was really practically over the hill.