
Classical Homeopathy for Anxiety and Jealousy – page 110

The heartbeat was very fast, fibrillation or what – you don’t know what is going on, right? You don’t know, because you don’t know the case. I had no idea. Was it a severe heart condition or what… Anyway: when I see a heart beating so fast and there is some arrhythmia, I say this is a serious condition!

So therefore: to me she was a person who didn’t want to be ridiculed, who didn’t want to speak, but at the same time the fear was overwhelming, right? Most probably it was a fear of a heart condition, because her colleagues told me: “She has a heart problem, she has been told she has a heart problem” etc. So, a person who has this integrity, who does not want to let her emotions out.

The Helleborus case: “I am afraid! Help me, help me!” is a different thing, right? The condition may look similar, but it is not. The one says: “Help me, help me!”, the other one trembles without being able to ask for help. Even when others are around trying to calm her, saying: “George is here, he is going to help you, please calm down, please talk about what you are feeling…”, there is no effect at all.

The overwhelming fear and the rapid pulse and all that… I didn’t know the pathology, you don’t have time to do an ECG… Actually, in the group there even was a professor of cardiology among my students; at least I believe he was a professor.

He said: “Valium! We have to give her Valium. Do you have Valium so that we can inject it?” But her colleagues knew that when she had had another big attack like this one before, she had gone into the emergency room, they had given her Valium, and the whole situation had taken several days before it resolved.