Afterwards I gave several other remedies of course, one after the other, because in such cases you will see a very fast change of the pathological picture. Then you have to enter with the correct remedy, otherwise the patient will relapse and die.
Of course they refrained from giving any more conventional treatment. I continued to treat him with homeopathy, and within a few days I got him out of the hospital. Within a few months he had reached a point where he had almost normal blood values again.
But when I saw that state… (imitates the panic in the Helleborus state again).
I have seen such cases a couple of times. I remember a case in Celle – maybe some of you were there? This young man would breathe deeply for hours, as he said: “In order to be grounded.” That means, he was light, he was going away.
But words cannot really describe that state. Despair, helpless, seeks help. These are words. Unless you have seen the real picture, forget about prescribing correctly.
So, what I am trying to do now is to give you the central points, the points that will differentiate one remedy from the other in anxiety or panic states. And homeopathy is beautiful, because the effect is unbelievable.
Immediate! In such a case, with myeloid leukaemia, where the blood platelets come down to 10.000… All of you who know medicine know what that means: bleeding from all orifices, everywhere.
You give Helleborus because he has reached this state. What do you do then? Will you now wait to see the recovery of this person?