this bold statement is difficult to be realized by everybody at this time, yet its meaning will be totally understood by the coming generations. There is only one handicap to homeopathy, and this is that it is extremely difficult to master. Recalling my own experience, I can say with certainty that I can hardly remember a day in my life all these years when this really Divine Science has not occupied the best part of my thoughts. It was soon that I realized that I was living only for ho- meopathy. I knew that this was the secret for therapeutic effectiveness and even personal gratification. Homeopathy is a living dynamic sci- ence and can be effective only if it becomes a living pulsating knowledge within the mind and heart of the practicing homeopath.
This present exposition of homeopathy is my small contribution to- ward an easier and more complete learning for prospective students. In preparing this English edition, I was helped by the American doctor Bill Gray (a graduate of Stanford University) whose real dedication to the cause of homeopathy and whose scientific thoroughness have tremendously impressed me. Dr. Gray remained for over a year in our school working very hard indeed. My contact with him left me with the strong belief that, after all, this chaotic world of ours is not devoid of men of dignity and high caliber who are ready to sacrifice personal comfort for a good cause. I am aware that along with him other pio- neering scientists are working today to prepare the medical establish- ment for a major change, a great revolution in therapeutics.
It is absolutely certain, and every visionary man or woman is sens- ing it, that medicine today stands on the threshold of a deep and radical change and that soon it will embrace the new and unique possibilities that homeopathy is offering to it. It is also certain that people of today more than anything else want to gain back their lost health. They are not concerned about empty speculations. one can say that contempo- rary people are demanding a way to regain their lost psychosomatic equilibrium in order to face the challenges that technological civiliza- tion has imposed on them. It is my strong belief and my experience that homeopathy can effectively help ailing humanity in this endeavor and be an invaluable asset for a speedy spiritual evolution of mankind.
– George Vithoulkas
March 1979