
The Science of Homeopathy – page xxv



THIS BOOK HAS been born out of twenty years of experience in the application of homeopathy – twenty years of real dedication, study, close observation, and constant meditation on the many chal- lenging problems that the young and emerging science of homeopathy presented to my inquiring mind. I could perceive from the very be- ginning that there existed in its theory and application many missing points and many confusing issues, many unknown links about which I was in vain seeking illumination from the masters of the time. Yet, in spite of existing blanks in its theory, the therapeutic results that its application could give were more than miraculous.

Eventually, after all these years of intensive study, application, and observation, many important factors, many missing links, started one by one to be illuminated. With time, the whole theory and practice of homeopathy emerged as I present it in this textbook. Important issues like a complete definition of health, the understanding of the human being in its three levels of existence, the hierarchical importance of the symptoms or syndromes and their interrelation, the understanding of the defense mechanism, the comprehension of the theory of the mi- asms in its true perspective – and many other problems were clarified. It did not take me long to understand that homeopathy, in com- parison to orthodox medicine, has – on therapeutic grounds – the same differences that quantum mechanics bear to Newtonian physics. It was obvious that after the entrance of homeopathy into the therapeutic field, the physician was able to affect in a curative way, through the energized homeopathic remedy, the electromagnetic field of the pa- tient. I realized that through the concepts that homeopathy has been introducing to medicine, the grounds on which therapeutics has so far been operating were transferred from the physical body to its electro- magnetic level. Sure enough, with the introduction of homeopathy into the field of therapeutics, a new era in medicine is dawning. The truth of