
The Science of Homeopathy – page xxii

situation is expected to change in the near future.

The present transition toward an emphasis upon health and whole- ness rather than upon disease has enhanced the growing awareness, perspective, and importance of a hierarchy of subtle energies and influ- ences that determine human well-being. Along this line, I have devised a reaction equation connecting the various levels of energy in Nature that influence humankind:


Function   Structure   Chemistry

Positive Space/Time   Negative Space/Time   Mind Energies                                   Energies

Spirit    Divine


This equation expresses that humankind comprise multidimen- sional beings living in a multidimensional universe and that a distur- bance of the energy chain at any level causes ripples of effect to flow both ways along the chain. Complete homeostasis at the physical level requires homeostasis at all the underlying levels as well. If they are out of balance, then complete homeostasis cannot exist at the physical level and disease must eventually materialize in one form or another.

If we start at the lower right, with the Divine, this equation illus- trates that we are essentially elements of Spirit, multiplexed in the Di- vine. That Spirit, in order to have a mechanism for experiencing, has mind imbedded within it. Mind is the builder, and, in order to have a learning experience, Mind has imbedded within two interpenetrating frames of reference in the universe which I call the “positive space/ time frame” and the “negative space/time frame.” Springing from these is substance. Substance, which we associate with chemical com- ponents, takes on various structural forms, forms that have function. Physical substance manifests itself in the positive space/time frame – it is electrical in nature, has positive mass, travels slower than the veloc- ity of electromagnetic light, gives rise to the gravitational force, and is the substance prescribed and utilized in allopathic medicine. etheric substance is postulated to manifest itself in the negative space/time frame – it is magnetic in nature, has negative mass, travels faster than the velocity of electromagnetic light, gives rise to the levitational force, and is the substance prescribed and utilized in homeopathic medicine.      The human being communicates with his environment via a vari- ety of built-in sensing and response networks functioning over a wide spectrum of relative integrity. The greater the degree of integrity of the networks and the lower the firing threshold for internal signal genera- tion, the more sensitive is the individual to disturbances in the envi-