19. Clinical trial of homeopathy in rheumatoid arthritis, Letter to the Editor, Homeopathy (2011) 100, 300, G Vithoulkas
20. The “continuum” of a unified theory of diseases, Medical Science Monitor, 2010; 16(2): SR715, G Vithoulkas, S Carlino
21. Debate: British media attacks on homeopathy: Are they justi- fied?, Homeopathy, Volume 97, Number 2, April 2008, Pages 103-106, G Vithoulkas
22. True but strange? Nature, 1996 Oct 3;383(6599):383, G Vithoulkas
23. Debate: Homeopathy and chronic headache, Homeopathy, Volume 91, Issue 3, July 2002, Pages 186-188, G Vithoulkas.
24. Homeopathic treatment of chronic headache: a critique, Home- opathy, Volume 91, Issue 1, January 2002, Pages 32-34, G Vithoulkas
25. The need for the correct sequence of remedies, Homeopathy, Vol- ume 91, Issue 1, January 2002, Pages 40-42, G Vithoulkas
26. A proving of Thiosinamine, British Homoeopathic Journal, Volume 90, Issue 3, July 2001, Page 172, G Vithoulkas
27. The question of the “constitutional remedy”, British Homoeopathic Journal, Volume 87, Issue 3, July 1998, Pages 145-147, G Vithoulkas
28. Medically qualified vs NMQ homoeopaths, British Homoeopathic Journal, Volume 86, Issue 1, January 1997, Pages 37-38, G Vithoulkas
29. As good as gold? British Homoeopathic Journal, Volume 85, Issue 1, January 1996, Page 39, G Vithoulkas
30. Obstacles to homoeopathic treatment, British Homoeopathic Jour- nal, Volume 85, Issue 1, January 1996, Page 42, G Vithoulkas
31. Health and disease in homoeopathic philosophy, British Homoeo- pathic Journal, Volume 84, Issue 3, July 1995, Pages 179-180, G Vithoulkas
32. Homoeopathy: past, present and future, British Journal Clin. Pharmacol. 1998, Jun;45(6):613, G Vithoulkas
33. Answer to the review of my book “The Science of Homeopathy”, British Homoeopathic Journal, Volume 68, Issue 4, October 1979, Pages 233-238, G Vithoulkas
34. The necessity for an inner preparation of the classical homeopath, Simillimum, 2005, Volume 19, Pages 117-122, G Vithoulkas
35. The colour of the homeopathic improvement: The multidimen- sional nature of the response to homeopathic therapy, Homeopathy,