
The Science of Homeopathy – page x


In 1980, George Vithoulkas was invited by the World Health Or- ganization to write the first article on homeopathy for the book, Traditional Medicine, published by WHO, as well as the main article in the round table discussion for WHO’s scientific magazine, the World Health Forum3 journal.

In 1996, he was invited by the European Parliament to explain the posi- tion of homeopathy and after his presentation the European Parliament voted in favour of homeopathy.

On 11th June, 1999, George Vithoulkas was requested by the Council of Europe to make a day- long presentation on homeopathic medicine (as part of their evaluation of alternative therapeutic methods) before the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee. The text that was published thereafter mentions his receipt of the Alternative Nobel Prize and refers to his catego- rization of the various alternative methods.

In 2008, Prof. George Vithoulkas was invited as an honorary speaker to express his views on homeopathy in an opening speech at the “2nd World Congress on Controversies in Neurology (CONy)”. In his speech, entitled “Is Homeopathy a Science?”, George Vithoulkas reported on the impressive developments in homeopathy over the past fifteen years. He described the basic principles of homeopathy and stressed that clinical experience of thou- sands of homeopaths worldwide on treating chronic diseases has led to the conclusion that homeopathy is classed as an “Evidence Based Medicine4”.



In 1995, Prof. George Vithoulkas established the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Alonissos, Greece, where he serves as Head of Educational Department (Educator). In this Academy, George Vithoulkas shares the knowledge gleaned from his 55 years of his experience and teaches his most current theories regarding levels of health. In his teachings, he pro- vides detailed information that both helps doctors determine each patient’s state of health, as well as facilitates their ability to estimate whether a case is curable with homeopathy and the amount of time and remedies that will be needed to accomplish a cure.

Every year, during the summer months, groups of doctors from various countries gather to be trained at the Academy. They come from Germany,


3. World Health Forum, Round Table: Homeopathy Today, “Homeopathy, A therapy for the future?”, George Vithoulkas, WHO, Geneva, Vol.4, No2, 1983.
