
The Science of Homeopathy – page 97

man body. They merely pass through the intestinal tract with nothing more than mechanical effect. Even their electromagnetic influence on the organism is so small as to be undetectable.

A biologically active substance is one in which the chemical or oth- er energies are “open” to interaction with the body; there is a chemical affinity between the substance and the organism. If one eats a food, takes a vitamin pill, or ingests an aspirin tablet, there immediately oc- cur complex chemical reactions which create effects on many organs of the body. Biologically active substances may have beneficial effects, as with food, or they may have highly toxic effects, as with sufficient doses of arsenic, mercury, or allopathic drugs. Such toxic substances will have some effect on virtually anyone who takes them, but the degree of toxicity of a given dose will vary from one individual to another. Someone with a very high degree of sensitivity, or “affinity,” may react so violently that death can occur, whereas another person with less sensitivity to that substance may experience only a mild reac- tion. As Hahnemann discovered by his studies of the symptomatology of poisonings, the very sensitivity of a person to a given substance can be an expression of resonance between the person and the substance; in homeopathy, this resonance is utilized as a therapeutic principle.

It is possible for a cure of disease to occur by a biologically active agent even in crude form if the resonance or affinity of the person matches closely enough the vibration of the substance. This is likely the explanation for the benefit some people receive from bathing in mineral baths. Not everyone experiences a beneficial effect, of course; a few may feel aggravated after exposure to such a bath, most experi- ence relatively little effect at all, and perhaps 15-20% experience a relief of symptoms and a general increase in vitality. Very likely, those who experience benefit (and in an obverse way, those who experience aggravations) are resonating closely in their electromagnetic planes with one of the many minerals present in the bath. Such benefit may well last 6 to 9 months; then there is a relapse. If the person returns to the bath, it is then observed that the second exposure produces benefit for a lesser period, say, 3 months. By the third or fourth exposure, there may be no benefit at all. Whatever therapeutic stimulus to the dynamic plane had occurred from the mineral in crude form originally has fi- nally become too weak to affect the defense mechanism of the person any further.

The same observation is commonly seen with administration of herbal remedies. If by chance one of the herbs in a particular formula prescribed by an herbalist resonates with the dynamic plane of the patient, there may be a benefit which can last quite some time. If the