
The Science of Homeopathy – page 96

Chapter 7


The Therapeutic Agent on the Dynamic Plane


THUS we have presented the concept of the electromagnetic dy- namic plane and the Law of Similars which enables us to utilize the principle of resonance to stimulate it. The next logical step is to develop therapeutic agents which themselves are on the dynamic plane and are capable of affecting this realm of the human organism. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate specifically how the science of homeopathy has achieved this object through Hahnemann’s tech- nique of potentiation.

If we reflect upon the fact that every substance has an electromag- netic field (from simple organisms to even the entire planet), it can be said that any substance administered to a person has at least the potential to affect the organism in two ways. On the one hand, the substance may have a chemical effect, such as we see with foods, vita- mins, drugs, tobacco, coffee, etc. And on the other hand, there may be an effect on the electromagnetic field of the body caused by the cor- responding electromagnetic field of the substance, especially if vibra- tion levels are close enough to resonate with one another. Ordinarily, of course, the electrodynamic effect of a crude substance is liable to be too weak to be noticed, but it may nevertheless play a role in such circumstances as mineral baths, sea bathing, poultices, etc.

In regard to the human organism, substances can be readily classi- fied as being biologically inert or biologically active. Biologically inert substances such as gold, silica, metallic iron, platinum, cellulose, etc., are chemically and energetically “closed” to interaction with the hu-