
The Science of Homeopathy – page 95

which the action of substances is considered.

Summary of Chapter 6

  1. The dynamic plane permeates all levels of the organism just as the electromagnetic field permeates matter, and it is the origin of all actions of the body in health and disease. A highly organized system reacts to stress by always producing the best possible response of which it is capable.
  2. Therapeutic measures utilizing the dynamic plane may act either indirectly through a single level, or directly on the dynamic plane it- self.
  3. Three modes of therapy are capable of acting directly on the dynamic plane: acupuncture, “laying on of hands” by a spiritually evolved individual, and homeopathy.
  4. The Law of Similars matches the symptom manifestated on the dynamic plane in a patient with the analogous symptom of a therapeu- tic substance manifested in a healthy individual to establish resonance between patient and remedy.
  5. The Law of Similars states: any substance which can produce a totality of symptoms in a healthy human being can cure that totality of symptoms in a sick human being.
  6. The Law of Similars was a basic contribution of Samuel Hahn- emann, a German medical doctor dissatisfied with the crude practices of his day. Hahnemann systematized this law by doing “provings,” or systematic recordings of symptoms produced by substances on healthy human beings.
  7. To be complete, a proving must be tested in a full range of doses (or potencies), the symptoms recorded must include all three levels of the individual, and symptoms cured in sick patients after administra- tion of the remedy must be included.