- The therapeutic agent can affect primarily one of the three lev- els, and through the mediation of the dynamic plane indirectly affect all of the other levels. Since this approach carries the risk of being focused only on a partial resonance, the results will be likely to be disappointing. Even so, cures can be produced by this approach if by accident the effect causes a strengthening of the defense mechanism as a totality.
- The therapeutic agent can act directly upon the electrodynamic field as a totality and thereby directly strengthen the defense mecha- nism. The result of such an action, because it automatically relies upon the intelligence of the defense mechanism itself, can only be beneficial and will result in a high rate of cure of disease, not only on one level but of the entire person.
Of these two therapeutic strategies, the second would seem to be the best, even considering the difficulty in finding agents which can act directly upon the dynamic plane. In the world today, there are only three widely known therapies which can act directly upon the dynamic plane. Acupuncture is one such therapy which also has a deep compre- hension of the laws and principles of healing. The ancient form of acu- puncture, practiced by dedicated and experienced masters, is a highly curative method. Unfortunately, however, even in modern China the influence of technological thinking has caused such masters to become rare indeed. Acupuncture, of course, is currently sweeping across the world, but its form of practice is generally a superficial reflection of the ancient form.2 To do acupuncture to the highest standard of effec- tiveness is said to require many years of intensive supervised training and experience. The form which is commonly practiced today is being done by practitioners with often only one- or two-week seminar train- ing, or at most two or three years of training. Alas, the true masters of acupuncture are becoming very rare, and it seems unlikely that very many people in our modern world will undergo the necessary years of training to become highly qualified acupuncturists.
The “laying on of hands” by a highly evolved spiritual individual is another therapy which can directly affect the plane of the elec- trodynamic field. By this is not meant the common psychic healing, faith healing, or massage practices, which affect the vital force only indirectly through one of the three levels. “Laying on of hands” by a spiritually evolved person who is in fact a channel for universal ener-
- M. Duke, Acupuncture (London: Constable, 1973), p. 12. Since interference by the government of Chiang Kai-S hek in the examination procedures, the ancient traditions have become diluted. The classical learning methods and examinations were destroyed, and promptly multitudes of quacks began practicing in China. Many of these diluted forms of teaching have subsequently been exported outside of China.