
The Science of Homeopathy – page 85

Chapter 6


The Fundamental Law of Cure

THE dynamic plane is the plane of the essence of life, the plane on which disease originates, as well as the plane of origin of the de- fense mechanism. It is not as if the dynamic plane is a separate fourth level of the organism. Rather, it permeates all levels, is prior to them, and interacts with them. It has exactly the same relationship to the physical body as electromagnetic fields have to matter. This concept is illustrated in Figure 8, which is a simplification of the construc- tion presented in Chapter 3. As the arrows indicate, the vital force or dynamic plane interacts intimately with all three levels. Whenever an organism receives a stimulus through one of its three levels of recep- tion, the effect is responded to initially by the electrodynamic field (or vital force) and is then distributed to the three levels according to the strength of the stimulus and the degree of resistance of the organism.

Modern concepts of cybernetics demonstrate a fundamental prin-ciple which applies to the human organism as well as to other systems: any highly organized system reacts to stress always by producing the best possible response of which it is capable in the moment. In the human being, this means that the defense mechanism makes the best possible response to the morbific stimulus, given the state of health in the moment and the intensity of the stress.

When disease occurs, the first disturbance occurs on the dynamic electromagnetic field of the body, which then brings into play the de- fense mechanism. This concept was first enunciated definitively as the basis for therapeutics by Samuel Hahnemann, the nineteenth-century