Since the problem is fundamentally not one of a particular microor- ganism but rather a weakness of the defense mechanism of the patient, antibiotic therapy cannot be expected to work in such a case. The an- tibiotic is a further noxious stimulus with which the defense mecha- nism must cope, and the vibratory level inevitably progresses deeper and deeper. Instead, a therapy must be applied which strengthens the resonant frequency of the entire organism. Once this occurs, the de- fense mechanism can function effectively, and progress will proceed in reverse order through previous vibratory levels; i.e., the cultures will show Bacillus pyocyanaeus, then Proteus, and then Staphylococcus be- fore the patient can be discharged from the hospital feeling well. Such is the experience of homeopathic physicians who are wise enough not to give antibiotics with each new microbe, but instead allow the strengthened defense mechanism to complete its process.
As has been mentioned, the continued suppression (by inappro- priate therapies) of the defense mechanisms of large numbers of our populations leads to progressive weakness. It is for this reason that we see an increasing incidence of heart disease, neurological disorders, cancer, psychosis, and violence in society; it is also the reason why we see an upsurge in microbial epidemics such as Legionnaire’s disease and others which are insensitive to all known antibiotics. This is not merely a matter of bacterial mutation, but a consequence of progres- sive weakening of the defense mechanisms of people through inappro- priate therapy.
The principle of resonance renders the organism susceptible to in- fluence on basically only one level at any given moment. In Figure 7, we see a simplified diagram of a spectrum of resonant frequencies. Each level represents, for example, susceptibility to a particular range of diseases. If a person treated on Level B for gonorrhea receives anti- biotics, his resonant frequency changes; over time, he will become sus- ceptible to illnesses on, say, Level C. While experiencing symptoms of illness on this level, he will not acquire gonorrhea, even though he may be exposed. This is true also of people suffering from long-term chronic diseases. If, however, such a person were to be treated homeo- pathically, the vibration rate would again move back down the scale, and the patient may well become susceptible to gonorrhea once again. To the superficial observer, this renewed susceptibility to gonorrhea might seem to be a sign of deteriorating health, whereas in fact it is a sign of progress!
Thus, a person can be “immune” to illness on Level B for two rea- sons: either he is too sick, with a vibration rate corresponding to the deeper levels of resonance; or he is too healthy, with a vibration rate at