cycle/second, or a million cycles/second. Since the speed of propa- gation is constant, any given frequency has a corresponding “wave- length,” the actual length of each individual wave. When physicists or electronic technicians talk about propagated waves, they use the terms “frequency” and “wavelengths” interchangeably.
The concept of different frequencies, or vibration rates, is imme- diately comprehensible to everyone in terms of music. Each note has a specific pitch, which is its frequency; when the frequency changes, the pitch changes. Vibration rates range from the very low (as seen in a bridge rumbling up and down during an earthquake) to the very high (as in light, X-rays, microwaves, etc). The human ear detects a certain range of frequencies, and the eye a different range.
The height of a wave is called “amplitude.” Amplitude is one mea- sure of the actual force contained within the wave. The higher the am- plitude, the greater the force; the smaller the amplitude, the less force exists in the wave. This can be seen easily by the difference in the force of waves in water created by throwing a pebble into a pond, compared to throwing a boulder into a pond. The boulder transmits greater force to the water, and the amplitude of the wave is proportionately greater. Similarly, comparing two electromagnetic waves of equal frequency, the one with greater amplitude contains and transmits more force.
Conversely, of two electromagnetic waves with equal amplitude, the one with the higher frequency contains and transmits greater force. For this reason, microwaves are more powerful than lower frequency radio waves of the same amplitude. Therefore, as one lowers the frequency of a wave (without changing its amplitude), its energy level is dimin- ished; if the frequency can be increased, more energy is packed into the wave.
Each substance has a characteristic frequency or range of frequen- cies at which it most easily vibrates. A homogeneous substance such as a crystal, or a metal tuning fork, will vibrate strongly at only one frequency, called its “resonant frequency,” and less strongly at its har- monic frequencies. If we strike a middle C tuning fork across the room from another middle C tuning fork, the second will begin vibrating in resonance with the first. If we strike a high C tuning fork across the room from a middle C tuning fork, the second will vibrate at a reduced amplitude, but it will still vibrate. Thus, we see that vibrations can have an effect at a distance and even at different vibration levels, but the ef- fect will be harmonious only through the principle of resonance (see Figure 6).
If a substance is nonhomogeneous, such as a rock, or an organ of the human body, then each component of it will tend to vibrate at its