What exactly, and in the fullest sense, is a human being? What does it truly mean to be healthy?
What precisely is a diseased state?
Unless these questions are completely understood, any therapy will be unlikely to produce solid, reliable, and verifiable results, or even to recognize real progress if it were to occur.
This book is divided into four major sections. In the first, we set out in the early chapters to understand the three most basic concepts as developed by the science of homeopathy, but which apply equally to all other healing disciplines: Man, Health, and Disease. Next, we at- tempt to understand the laws and principles of their interrelationship in health and disease. The second section will study in considerable de- tail the precise, systematic method and technique by which these con- cepts are applied. The third section will present the materia medica “essences” of the major homeopathic medicines, and the final section, the appendices, will give actual clinical cases with detailed analysis for study.
Before proceeding further, we must discuss another vital question which cannot be separated from the others: What is the objective of human life? We cannot talk cogently of health and disease in an indi- vidual without first knowing clearly the fundamental purpose of life. So, for what are we searching in our lives?
The answer to such a question will naturally be a bit superficial at first, such as: Man wants money, power, fame, land, sex, absent of suf- fering, and release from anxiety and tension. If we meditate on these desires further, however, we come readily to the answer that everyone, through these desires, seeks an inner state of being which is happiness, a happiness that is unconditional and continuous – a happiness that will depend very little upon external conditions and persist despite the transient changes which kaleidoscopically march past us in life.
Upon further reflection, it is clear that if a person experiences a limitation of the sense of well-being on either physical, emotional, or mental levels of existence, the possibility for this state of inner hap- piness to manifest itself is prevented. In serious illness, awareness is mobilized to deal with the disease process and its manifestations and is therefore unavailable to help the person grow and transform itself into a state of true happiness. In this sense, we can see that the attain- ment of health is an essential prerequisite to Man’s attainment of the fundamental objective in life: unconditional happiness, which can then help the individual to attain the highest evolutionary states.