
The Science of Homeopathy – page 73

Summary of Chapter 4


1. The defense mechanism, acting on all levels of the organism, functions as an integrated whole and systematically defends the inner and spiritual regions in the best possible manner.

2. The known physiological and chemical mechanisms of the body are tools of the defense mechanism.

3. The human organism is more than the mere sum of its physical components, a fact most dramatically evident at the moments of con- ception and death. From this is surmised the presence of an intelligent “vital force” which animates, guides, and balances the organism on all levels in both health and disease.

4. The defense mechanism is that aspect of the vital force respond- ing specifically in the diseased state.

5. New concepts in physics are beginning to be reflected in bio- logical science, particularly in the study of electrodynamic fields of the human body. Instruments now exist that can directly measure the electromagnetic field of the body, and these measurements are clini- cally useful in diagnosing cancer, infectious diseases, and in staging levels of hypnotic trance.

6. Kirlian photography is a dramatic technique whereby the elec- tromagnetic field can be directly visualized. This phenomenon has also been demonstrated to be not merely artifactual in nature. Charac- teristic changes can be seen in altered mental or emotional states, and in health and disease.

7. Despite the advances being made in bio-electromagnetic field research, existing evidence has a long way to go before it can be con- sidered “proof” of the actions of the vital force.

8. J.T. Kent’s lucid description of the vital force (“simple sub- stance”) characterizes it as having formative intelligence, being sub- ject to changes, pervading the material substance without replacing it, creating order in the body, belonging to the realm of quality rather than quantity (the realm of degrees of fineness), being adaptable, and being constructive.