
The Science of Homeopathy – page 70

jecting controls and patients to several therapeutic procedures.

In brief, subjects in trance states, induced or spontaneous, show a smoothing of the field recording and usually a slow decrease, although sometimes an increase, in intensity. At trance termination dramatic voltage shifts occur, the time before the record returns to that of the waking state depending on the rapidity with which the subject returns to the waking state. Subjects who have been aroused from trance states, but who actually are only partially aroused or return to the trance state though superficially appearing “awake,” show field correlates with such state changes, either by using pen-writing photo-electric re- corders or cathode-ray oscillographs attached to the millivolt-meters, now commercially manufactured. (This was first publicly demonstrat- ed at the Second Annual Scientific Assembly of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis in 1959.) Waking states show almost continuous, slow variations, usually at higher intensities than during hypnosis.

It follows that hypnotic depth can now be defined electro-metrical- ly, the “depth,” however, having nothing whatever to do with abilities to develop various complex hypnotic phenomena.17 (Emphasis mine.)

William A. Tiller of Stanford University has also used systematic Kirlian photography studies to demonstrate the relationship between mental and emotional changes and the electromagnetic field emana- tions. Here, he describes results of others and himself:

These investigators have been using a technique similar to that of Moss and have been studying the manifested energy changes on Kir- lian photographs both before and after treatment of a group of schizo- phrenics and a group of alcoholics. They have observed that, before treatment, both of these groups show a marked spatial fragmentation or annihilation of large portions of the normal emission from the fin- ger pad. In addition, the pattern of emission from the contact portion of the finger pad appears quite chaotic. As a result of successful treat- ment, as indicated by conventional psychiatric criteria, one observes 

  1. the filling in of the emission pattern around the finger pad, (b) an enhancement of manifested energy intensity and (c) a more orderly and coherent fingerprint pattern on the contact portion of the photo- graphs. They have also noted marked pattern changes associated with respiratory infections . . .

In one recent experiment, we studied a subject’s finger pad while he changed his mental state. He changed state every two minutes, and we took a high-voltage picture with him consciously trying to main-

17. Ibid., p. 176.