
The Science of Homeopathy – page 67

But, again, this is not an invariable effect; rather, it depends on the specific acupuncture point being treated. With certain points, pierced with a needle, there is no discernible change in the aura, but with other points (usually related to specific physical complaints), an increased brightness and clarity of the corona is obtained. Thus, although our research has only begun, we have learned that the insertion of the needle – with the ensuing pain – does not necessarily cause a change in the photographed emanations. This seems to rule out pain as a pos- sible answer to the question as to what these photographs reveal.11


Now that some techniques have been developed to observe the elec- trodynamic field of the body, and some of the parameters of the field are beginning to be elucidated, the logical question for our purpose arises: What connection does this field have to health and disease, and especially to the workings of the vital force in its function as defense mechanism? Fortunately, there are some beginning observations bear- ing on this question; thus far the research seems to confirm a cor- relation between changes in the electrodynamic field and changes in emotional and physical states in both health and disease.

Again, the Russians have made some intriguing observations which tend to indicate that the phenomena they are measuring do indeed pro- duce effects similar to what we have discussed in previous chapters. Following is an account of the Kirlian experience with diagnosing illness in leaves of plants; after testing some leaves provided by the chairman of a major scientific institute, the Kirlians thought something was wrong with their equipment because they could not get certain of the leaves to conform to the usual pattern seen in the others, so they worked through the night to correct the problem, only to be told later:


In the morning, weary and worried, they showed their troubling results to their celebrated scientist guest. To their surprise, his face lit up with delight. “You’ve found it!” he said excitedly.

The two exhausted inventors forgot their fatigue as the botanist ex- plained, “Both leaves were torn from the same species of plant all right. But one of these plants had already been contaminated with a serious plant disease. You’ve found this out immediately! There is absolutely nothing on the plant or this leaf to indicate that it has been infected and will soon die. No tests on the actual plant or the leaf show anything wrong with it. With high-frequency photography you’ve diagnosed illness in the plant ahead of time! . . .

  Soon institutes were bringing the Kirlians hundreds of “green pa-

11. Krippner and Rubin, The Kirlian Aura. p. 70