further to represent organ systems, organs themselves, tissues, the hierarchy of cells within a tissue, and even hierarchies within cells themselves (DNA and RNA, nucleus, cytoplasmic organelles, and cell membrane – in decreasing order of importance). Another significant detail to notice about the diagram is that each envelope begins and ends at a somewhat higher level than the one just peripheral to it; thus it is evident that the overlap is not complete. Upon reflection, then, we see that the diagrams presented in Chapter 2 can be viewed as one- and two-dimensional reflections of a structure which is in reality three- dimensional.
Mental Emotional Physical |
Figure 3: A diagram representing the three layers of human existence in three dimensions. The mental plane is the central conical envelope. The emotional level is shown as the next peripheral envelope, and the physical is the outermost sheath. Note that the tops and bot- toms of each envelope do not correspond one to another.
At any given moment, the center of gravity will tend to rest at a particular location. With time, further morbific stimuli and/or treatment (either suppressive or beneficial) may change the center of gravity. The center of gravity may move higher or lower on the same plane, or it may move more centrally or more peripherally to higher or lower levels of cor- respondence.
In studying Figure 3, the center of gravity can be shown to move in two basic directions. On the one hand, each envelope has its own linear hierarchy; and on the other hand, each level has correspondences with the other levels. The higher one goes on any given envelope, the deeper into the organism one reaches. Also, in changing from one sheath to a corresponding level on another, the more central direction represents degeneration of the overall health of the individual, while movement toward outer sheaths indicates an improvement in health. The most