Figure 37:
Patient: “I have been worse all month.”
Case: Mental/emotional level worse, others better following aggravation.
Interpretation: Prolonged mental aggra- vation.
Prescription: Wait.
Some cases, especially those which origi- nally are focused on the mental or emo- tional planes, will show a prolonged aggra- vation of mental or emotional symptoms while other minor symptoms are found to be improving and one or two symptoms, pathognomonic to the remedy prescribed, are showing up. At the end of a month, the mental/emotional state may still be worse than it was prior to taking the remedy, but the homeopath must not be misled into pre- scribing another remedy. From experience, it seems that deep mental or emotional cases tend to have aggravations which can last up to two months, but then a curative response follows if the action of the rem- edy is not interfered.
These cases, and others showing prolonged aggravations, can be very trying on both the patient and the homeopath. The patient
feels convinced that nothing beneficial is occurring, and indeed may believe that the disease is actually worse. The patient natu- rally, then, tries to convince the homeopath that “something must be done.” This is an understandable feeling, but if the homeo- path determines that the changes are fol- lowing the laws of cure, he or she must have the courage to refuse to give a new remedy. Much support and reassurance must be given to the patient, but always the homeopath must appeal to the higher intelligence of the patient to continue to conform to the laws of healing. A curative response, especially when it necessitates a prolonged aggravation of symptoms, can be viewed as a kind of spiritual test which must be successfully passed for eventual cure to occur. The homeopath does not perform a service to the patient if a new