time (say, 4 or 5 days), and then becoming worse again.
The situation is next to incurable. There may be severe pathological changes such as cancer, deep psychosis, etc. The prognosis is poor, but some hope can be derived from the fact that even a brief amelioration has occurred. In other words, the defense mechanism is very weak, but not yet so weak that the case is incurable.
Prescribing in such cases is a very deli- cate matter. Virtually every prescription must be exactly correct if there is to be hope for a cure. Mistakes can very easily disorder such weakened defense mecha-
nisms beyond hope of recovery.
The case must be taken in its relapsed state with great care. If a remedy is quite clear at that point, then it should certainly be given. More usually, however, the reme- dy will not yet be clear, and the homeopath must then wait for another 15 days or so in order to be sure about the next prescription. As mentioned before, these nearly incur- able cases tend to change remedy images very frequently, so it is unlikely that the original remedy would again be indicated; if this does happen, however, then it should be given in a higher potency.
Figure 35:
Patient: “I have been worse during the whole month.”
Case: Chief complaint worse, but energy and mental/emotional states somewhat bet- ter.
Interpretation: 1) Probably local symp- tom previously suppressed by allopathic drugs. 2) Remedy is correct.
Prescription: Wait.
It is not unusual to see a case in which the chief complaint has been aggravated during the whole of the month. Meanwhile, the energy level and mental/emotional states exhibit a slight degree of improvement. The patient, of course, reports feel
ing worse in general because, after all, how can the mental and emotional state be bet- ter when the physical suffering has been so intense? Nevertheless, careful questioning about every symptom will reveal no aggra- vation of the energy or mental/emotional