Figure 33:
Patient: “I am much worse in every re- spect.”
Case: Steady worsening of all symp- toms.
Interpretation: 1) Allopathic drug dis- continued, and remedy not close enough. 2) Remedy far off, had no effect, and disease getting out of control.
Prescription: Must find correct remedy.
1) If seems to be same remedy,
must find even more confirmatory symp- toms in order to safely repeat it, in which case a higher potency should be given. 2) If aggravation not serious, wait a few weeks for image to become more clear. 3) If be- comes serious, must be given the best pos- sible remedy without delay. 4) May have to find a remedy to merely palliate most seri- ous symptoms.
The least desirable circumstance for both patient and homeopath is a progres- sive worsening of symptoms after taking the remedy. All three major categories of symptoms become steadily worse, so that by the time of the follow-up visit, the situa- tion is reaching a crisis point.
This situation occurs most commonly in patients who had been taking allopathic drugs and stopped them prior to taking the remedy; meanwhile, the homeopathic remedy was not correct. There is a natural aggravation which occurs upon discontinu- ation of many allopathic drugs anyway, but usually the administration of the correct remedy will alleviate this “rebound” ag- gravation. Thus, the original prescription was not close enough to produce a curative effect.
If the patient had not been taking allo- pathic drugs prior to the remedy, then the only interpretation left is that the remedy was quite far removed from the exact simil- limum and that the disease is following its natural course of deterioration.
The decision about the next course of action depends upon many factors: the severity of the pathological condition, the type of case, the exact symptoms which are being aggravated, and how clear the image of the remedy seems to be. If the situation is becoming serious, then the best possible remedy must be immediately prescribed. In serious cases, it may even be necessary to enter with another remedy within a few days or a week, without waiting for the normal one-month follow-up visit If by chance, the remedy image during the