Figure 25:
Patient: “I was better, but now worse.”
Case: Good amelioration following ag- gravation, then return to full relapse. Same remedy image.
Interpretation: Correct remedy but short effect. 1) May have been too low potency.
2) Remedy may have been antidoted.
Prescription: Re-take case to be certain the same remedy is indicated. If indeed it is the same remedy, give a higher potency, as long as there is no evidence of an antidote. If the remedy was definitely antidoted (by drugs, coffee, etc.), give the same potency.
Another patient may report an amelio- ration (following an initial aggravation) which is followed by relapse. In this in- stance, the homeopath discovers the re- lapse to be fully back to the original state in every respect. After careful questioning, the homeopath decides that the relapse is indeed complete, even though the initial response seemed highly curative.
There are two possible interpretations in such a situation. The obvious one is that the remedy was the precise simillimum but was somehow antidoted. The patient must be carefully questioned about all factors which might have interfered with the medicine, even those factors which are relatively rare (discussed in Chapter 19). If the remedy has been antidoted, then
a truly delicate decision must be made. In case the relapse presents exactly the same symptom picture, repeat the same remedy and the same potency. Sometimes you will find that during the relapse of the main complaint a different overall picture is emerging. In such case, a different remedy would be required. Therefore, the case must be carefully re-taken in order to determine which remedy to give.
Another possibility is that the original remedy was the simillimum but that the potency was too low. The remedy acted curatively, but it did not hold. In such a circumstance (which is quite unusual), the case must be carefully re-taken to be cer- tain that the same remedy is still indicated; if so, a higher potency must be given.