cant change in energy or mental/emotional symptoms, and the chief complaint has di- minished quite a bit, but some intense new symptoms have replaced it.
If the information is truly reliable, then we have suppressed one symptom and another has come up in its place. If, with this new symptom, there has not formed a new picture of another remedy and the case seems confused, then study again the original case to see if you can find a better remedy.
If no better medicine can be found from the original case, the best choice is to wait until the new symptoms subside and the image returns to its original state, provided the severity of the patient’s condition al- lows it. If, however, the new state is caus- ing a great deal of suffering, the best policy would be to try to antidote the action of the first remedy. This can best be done by giv- ing ordinary allopathic drugs for pallia- tion, or by having the patient drink signifi-
cant amounts of coffee (or even by trying to rub large amounts of camphor into the skin). After a period of two or three weeks of allopathic treatment or coffee, stop the palliative or antidoting process and wait for one week to allow the system to settle into a new image. Then re-take the case and prescribe once again.
In such suppressed cases, it is very im- portant not to try to give a new remedy based upon the changed new image. This would likely lead to even further disorder- ing of the case. It is also advisable not to try to antidote the remedy by another homeo- pathic medicine; any homeopathic remedy which can have an antidoting effect upon the system is likely to be close enough to the resonant frequency of the organism to cause further disturbance. It is much more desirable simply to simply allow time to produce a better image upon which to pre- scribe.
Figure 23:
Patient: “My original problem is a little better, but now there are some severe new changes.”
Case: Chief complaint a little better, but new problems dominate the case. New remedy image is more full than originally.
Interpretation: One-sided case. Original remedy helped to bring out full picture.
Prescription: Give new remedy based on full current image.