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Figure 19:
Patient: “I feel better, but I have a few new symptoms.”
Case: Definite aggravation followed by amelioration, but some new symptoms de- velop which are characteristic of the rem-
edy given.
Interpretation: Correct remedy, with “false proving.” Good prognosis.
Prescription: Wait. New symptoms will disappear.
This is another situation which is com- monly encountered, and it represents an- other instance in which the homeopath is quite liable to make a serious mistake. The patient reports a dramatic improvement of all major symptoms, and further questioning reveals that there was an aggravation within the first few days. However, the patient reports new symptoms which are very characteristic of the remedy given.
For example, the patient may have ini- tially complained of a lack of energy, re- current aphthae, and herpetic skin erup- tions. After taking the full case, Natrum muriaticum is prescribed. After one month, the patient says, “Boy, that is powerful stuff! Within a few days, I felt wiped out and all of my aphthae and herpes were much worse! However, since then they have disappeared. I have felt great, better than I have for twenty years! Now, though, I seem to get headaches at 10 A.M. several days of the week. Strange. I have never had headaches prior to taking this remedy.” It is immediately realized that 10 A.M. headaches are very characteristic of Natrum muriaticum. The general state is improved, but a new symptom corresponding to the remedy is present.
This must not be misinterpreted as being a proving which should be antidoted. In fact, it confirms very nicely that the prescription was exact; the recommendation therefore must be, “Wait!” The new symptom is merely a manifestation of the remedy, and it will pass within a few weeks at the latest, leaving the patient feeling very well. This interpretation of the appearance of a new and characteristic symptom, however, is valid only when the general condition of the patient has been simultaneously ameliorated.