Appendix B
Patient Evaluations at One Month
The following descriptions and diagrams are not designed to cover every eventuality. Nevertheless, if they are studied thoughtfully, the student will perceive the basic principles underlying the interpreta- tion. They should not be learned by memory – to be applied in a routine manner. Rather, they should be studied meditatively in order to arrive at the inner principles underlying them. Only in this way will the reader gain a true understanding of the single direction in which cure proceeds. These descriptions and diagrams, although often oversim- plistic in themselves, bring to bear all of the laws and principles which have been described thus far.
One word of caution in interpreting the diagrams: the figures included in this chapter describe on the vertical axis the intensity of symptoms, and on the horizontal axis, time. To be truly accurate from the point of view of homeopathy, I would have to present the diagrams in terms of the overall health of the patient; in this way, I would show an improvement as moving higher on the graph rather than lower (de- clining intensity of symptoms) as is shown. It is presented in this man- ner because the patient is most likely to describe symptoms in this way. Even though it is somewhat incorrect in terms of the activity of the defense mechanism, patients do measure health in terms of presence or absence of symptoms. For this reason, this convention will be followed in these diagrams.
Another point to emphasize in interpreting the diagrams is that the lines shown are purposely not shown as straight lines. All patients show some degree of variation in symptoms from day to day. If symp- toms are observed over time intervals which are too short, i.e., hours or days, the overall progress of the patient can easily be misinterpreted. On any given day, it can appear that a significant aggravation or ame- lioration is occurring, whereas in reality the changes are merely due to random daily fluctuations