
The Science of Homeopathy – page 277

In the liver, a squeezing pressure, on taking a walk.
505. The spleen, indurated before, now swells. [Hg.]
Stitches in the side of the abdomen, under the short ribs, and he cannot lie on his side.
In the region of the kidneys, stitches, when respiring and when sneezing. Pains in the abdomen of the most violent kind. [DAN CRUEGER, Misc., N.C. Dec. II. Ann. 4. o. 12.2]
Excessive bellyache and pains in the stomach. [WOLFF, 1.c.]
510. Exceedingly disagreeable sensation in the whole of the abdomen. [MORGAGNI, 1.c.]
Pains in the hypogastrium, with heat in the face.
Violent pain in the region of the right epigastrium. [MORGAGNI, 1.c.] Pains in the right epigastrium and the neighboring inguinal regions, which extends thence at times through the hypogastrium, at times into the right side of the flanks and the scrotum, like a renal colic; but with unchanged urine. [MORGAGNI, 1.c.]
Roving pains in the abdomen, with diarrhoea and pains in the anus. [MORGAGNI, 1. c]
515. The pain in the abdomen established itself in the left side of the belly.
Pain, as if the upper part of the body was altogether cut off from the
abdomen, with great anguish and lamentation over it. [ALBERTI, 1.c., Tom. IV.3] Violent pains in the abdomen, with so great anguish that he had no rest anywhere, rolled about on the ground, and gave up all hope of living. [PYL, 1.c.] Fullness in the region of the epigastrium, with griping in the belly.
Distension and pains in the abdomen. [MUELLER, 1. c.]
520. Severe, painless distension of the abdomen after eating; he had to lean his back against something to ease himself.
Bloatedness every morning, with passage of flatus a few hours afterwards. Swollen abdomen. [GUILBERT, 1. c.2]
The abdomen enormously swollen. [Ephen. N.C, 1.c.]
As if there were cramps and griping in the abdomen, in the nervous, in the evening, after lying down, with breaking out of perspiration; then passage of flatus and very thin stool.
525. Spasmodic jerk, frequently, from the scrobiculus cordis to the rectum, which makes him start.
Squeezing, cutting pains in the bowels, in the evening after lying down,
and in the morning after rising; at times the pains shoot through the abdominal ring (as if they would force out a hernia) as far as the spermatic cord and the perinaeum; when this colic ceases a loud rumbling and grumbling ensues. Colics, returning from time to time. [MAJAULT, 1. c.1]
Pinching pain, aggravated even to cutting, deep in the hypogastrium, every morning, before and during the diarrhoeic stools, and continuing also after them. Culling pain in Ike abdomen. [BUCHHOLZ, 1. c; KELLNER, 1. c.]
530. Cutting pain in the side of the abdomen, below the last ribs, very much aggravated by touching them.
Cutting (tearing) and gnawing pains in the bowels and the stomach. [QUELMALZ, 1.c.2]
Cutting and tearing in the abdomen, with icy-coldness of the hands and feet and cold perspiration of the face. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]