
The Science of Homeopathy – page 275

pappy stool (aft. 7 h.). [Lgh.]
Heartburn, at 4 P.M.
435. Sickness at stomach. [MAJAULT, 1.c.2] Inclination to vomit. [KAISER, 1.c.] Nausea, in the open air.
Empty retching. [RAU, 1.c.]
Nausea and violent vomiting. [Htb. u. Tr.3]
440. Nausea, qualmishness on raising oneself up in bed, and frequently, sudden vomiting. [Stf]
Vomiting. [MAJAULT, 1. c.; GRIMM, and many others.] Vomiting immediately after every meal, without nausea. [Fr. H.]
The child vomits after eating and drinking, and then will neither eat nor drink, but sleeps well.
Vomiting of all the ingesta, for several weeks. [Salzb. m. chir. Zeit]
445. Excessive vomiting produced with the greatest effort, of drinks, yellowish-green mucus and water, with very bitter taste in the mouth, which remained a long time afterward. [Stf.]
Vomiting of a thick, glassy mucus. [RICHARD, 1.c.] Vomiting of mucus and green bile. [ALBERTI, 1.c.4]
Vomiting of a thin, bluish, smutty-yellow matter, followed by great prostration and exhaustion. [KAISER, 1.c.]
Vomiting of brownish, dark matter, sometimes thick, sometimes thin, with violent efforts and increased stomachache, without subsequent relief. [KAISER, 1. c]
450. Vomiting of a brownish matter, often mixed with blood, with a violent bodily effort. [KAISER, 1. c.]
Vomiting of bloody mucus. [N. Wahrn., 1. c]
Vomiting of blood. [KELLNER, in Bresl. Samml., 1727.1]
Discharged blood upward and downward. [GERBITZ, in Ephem. Nat. Cur. Dec. Ill, ann. 5, 6, obs. 137.2]
When vomiting ceases, frequent, very watery diarrhoeic stools set in. [Htb. u. Tr.3]
455. Excessive vomiting and purging. [PREUSSIUS, 1. c]
Violent, continual vomiting, with diarrhoea. [MORGAGNI, 1. c]
Vomiting, with diarrhoea, as soon as the swoon goes off. [FORRESTUS, 1. c] During the vomiting, which continues night and day, frightful cries. [HEIMREICH, 1. c.4]
During the vomiting, complains of severe internal heat and thirst. [ALBERTI, 1.c.]
460. During the violent vomiting, severe internal burning, thirst and heat. [ALBERTI, 1. c.]
Frequent vomiting, with dread of death. [ALBERTI, 1. c]
Pains in the stomach. [QUELMAIZ, 1. c; RICHARD, and several others.] Great painfulness of the stomach. [N. Wahrn., 1, c]
Pains in the stomach, causing nausea. [RICHARD, 1. c]
465. Excessive pains in the region of the scrobiculus cordis. [S. PH. WOLFF, Act, Nat. c, V, obs. 295]
Heaviness in the stomach, as if it were being violently distended in its whole extent and were being torn. [KOPP, Jahrb. d. Staatsarzneik. II, p. 182.]
Trouble in the stomach, as if it were tormented with flatus; much aggravated after vomiting and diarrhoea. [MORGAGNI, 1.c.6]
Bloatedness and distension of the stomach and the hypochondriac region, before a stool ensures. [RICHARD, 1. c]